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Parent Involvement

At Headstart we love parent and community involvement. As a Headstart parent you will have many opportunities to contibute to learning experinces, attend incursions and excursions, and participate in your child's education.

We understand that work, home and personal committments are often time consuming. Headstart notifies families of upcoming events and offers many opportunities throughout the year for parents to participate in our program. We also invite families to share special skills with us during the year; such as cooking, reading stories, language classes, dancing, gardening, or special cultural events.


The Educators at Headstart enjoy making the Centre feel like a family and are always open to comments, suggestions and feedback.

Enrolment Form

About our Payment Schedule

Headstart is an Approved Centre licensed to receive Child Care Benefit (CCB). Your families CCB percentage will determine the cost of care for you. Some families are also eligible to receive Child Care Rebate (CCR), which contributes to half of all-out-of-pocket expenses.


At Headstart, fees are required to be paid in a weekly fashion via direct debit.

The Headstart family is always here to help.

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